



  • Research: short tasked research and extended projects that could be done by individuals or group researchers and/or as collaborative ventures.

  • Conferences, an annual national conference shall be held at the university, and an international conference shall be held every second year.

  • Publications, to include books, monographs, chapters in books, articles working papers, newsletters, and thematic encyclopedias (e.g. on personalities, events, historical sites/buildings, …)

  • Monthly lectures: a program of a series of lectures possibly covering a particular theme from various aspects shall be prepared. Briefs of the lectures shall be uploaded on the JRP website, and included in the newsletter.

  • Presentations of on-going research:  JRP researchers shall be invited to hold discussions about their research to enrich the environment.

  • Website development: JRP shall set up an interactive webpage with the latest events, research news, calls for papers, and links to relevant other sites, and partnerships

  • Trainings and workshops: these shall cover training in research methods, and on technical aspects or specialized skills relevant to particular themes. These trainings vary according to the diversity of the themes.

  • Summer schools: JRP would invite researchers, academics and graduate students give lectures and teach Al-Quds University undergraduate and graduate students. An additional possibility would be to invite student from universities abroad to come for few weeks in the summer to experience Jerusalem, through jointly developed programs/courses with JRP and their institutions/faculties/departments/ professors which could cover the various aspects offered by AQU, the Centre for Jerusalem Studies and JRP.

  • Inventory of research and researchers about Jerusalem: in the form of a publication, computerized program, and CD; these could also be accessed from the webpage.


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